Categories: Diseases

Hypertension/Symptoms of HTN/Complications of HTN

Persistent rise of Blood Pressure above the upper limit of normal level, according to the age & sex of the patient is called Hypertension.

Normal limit of BP:

Systolic: 100 – 140 mm of Hg (120 + 20)

Diastolic: 60 – 90 mm of Hg (75+15)

Aetiology of Hypertension/ Types:

  1. Primary/ Essential hypertension:

Idiopathic > 95%

Factors influencing the development of essential hypertension are

  1. Genetic & families (40-60%)
  2. Socio – economic factors.
  3. Dietary factors; obesity, high, salt intake, caffeine.
  4. Lake of exercise.
  5. Hormonal factors: High renin.
  6. Neurotransmitters – Accetylcholine, noradrenaline
  7. Secondary hypertension (5% case only)
  8. Vascular: Coarctation of aorta.
  9. Renal disease:
  • Acute glomerulo-nephritis.
  • Chronic (GN).
  • Chronic pyelonephritis.
  • Renal artery disease
  1. Endocrine disease:
  • Chusing-Syndrome.
  • Acro-megally.
  1. Drugs:
  • Oral contraceptive containing destrogen.
  • Corticosteroids
  1. Alcohol.
  2. Obesity.
  3. Gestational: pregnancy with pre- eclampsia.

 Mechanisms of Hypertension

Clinical features of Hypertension

Symptoms of HTN :

  1. Asymptomatic: Most of the case symptoms appear after delection of HTN.
  2. Symptoms due to complication:
  • Anxinal pain
  • Breathlessness due to left ventricular failure.
  • Blurring of vision
  • Hemiplegia due to cardio vascular disease.
  1. Symptoms of etiological factors:
  • Headache
  • Vertigo
  • Palpitation
  • Dizziness
  1. Family history of hypertension.
  2. Patient history of renal disease.
  3. Patients gives history of smoking.

Sign of HTN:

Physical examination of

  • To identify any underlying causes.
  • To defects complications already present:
  1. Pulse:Usually normal but may have high volume.
  2. BP raised.

Complications of HTN :

  1. Central nervous systems:
  • Stroke
  • Hypertensive encephalopathy
  • Subarachnoid haemorrhage
  • Carotid atheroma
  1. Retina: Hypertensive retinopathy.
  2. Heart:

Left ventricular hypertrophy leading to LVF

Ischaemic Heart Diseae

Atrial fibrillation

  1. Kidney


Principles of treatment

  1. To keep the diastolic pressure around about 90 mmhg
  2. Satisfactory control 90-100 mmhg (DBP)


Non drug therapy/general measure

  1. Relief of stress
  • praying
  • meditation
  1. Diet
  • Reduced weight (in obese & overweight)
  • Avoid excess salt consumption
  • Avoid alcohol consumption
  • Eat a mixed diet rich in fresh vegetables & fruit
  1. Regular physical exercise like-walking, jogging
  2. Avoid smoking
  3. Investigation lipid profile & treatment according to guidelines
  4. Investigation & management of real & endocrine causes

Drug therapy

  1. Diuretic

  • Thiazide diuretic
  • Potassium sparing diuretic: spironolactone
  • Loop diuretic: Frusemide

  2.Beta -blockers

  1. a) Cardio-selective drugs
  • o Atenolol
  • o Metoprolol
  • o Bisoprolol
  1. b) Non-cardio-selective drugs
  • o Propranolol
  • o Pindolol
  1. C) combined &beta adrenoceptor antagonists:
  • o Labetalol
  • o Carvedilol
  1. Angiotensin converting enzyme(ACE inhibitors)
  • Captopril
  • Ramipril
  1. Angiotensin two receptor blocker
  • o Losartan
  • o Valsartan
  1. Calcium antagonists
  • o Amlodipine
  1. Other drugs
  2. a) Alph- 1 blockers
  3. b) Drugs acting directly on vascular smoot muscle

 Systolic                             diastolic

Optimal BP                          <120                                < 80mmhg

Normal                                    <130 mmhg                <85mmhg

High normal BP                        130/79 mmhg                   5-89

Classification of hypertension

Grade 1 ( mild) 140-159 mmhg 90-99 mmhg

Grade 2 160-179 mmhg 100-109 mmhg

Grade 3 > 180, >110

Isolated systolic

Grade-1                   systolic                                            Diastolic

                                   140-159                                                 >90

Grade-2                       >160                                                    <90

If you want more & more information about Human Diseases you can visit my website Purely Health Tips.

Prevention of Hypertension the World Health Organization ( WHO) working . WHO is the world largest Heath Organization. They provide various information.


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